L&T Build India Scholarships 2024 , Apply Online


Larsen & Toubro (L&T) is offering the Build India Scholarships 2024, which provides funding for a Master’s degree in Construction Technology and Management at prestigious institutions like IIT Madras, IIT Delhi, NIT Surathkal, and NIT Tiruchirapalli.

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About L&T Build India Scholarships 2024

For over 25 years, L&T’s Build India Scholarship has been helping talented students like you become top project managers. They give you the skills and knowledge you need to succeed, and you get to study at awesome places like IIT Madras and IIT Delhi!

This program is a win-win: you get a great education and career, and L&T gets to work with the best and brightest in the field. It’s a chance to be part of something bigger and help build the future of India!

L&T Build India Scholarships 2024 Highlights

  • Earn a Master’s in Construction Technology & Management: This 2-year program will equip you with the skills and knowledge to become a rockstar project manager.
  • Study at top universities: Choose from prestigious institutions like IIT Madras, IIT Delhi, NITK Surathkal, or NIT Tiruchirapalli.
  • Get paid while you learn: Receive a monthly stipend of Rs. 13,400 for 24 months to cover your expenses.
  • L&T takes care of the bills: They’ll pay your tuition fees directly to the universities, so you can focus on your studies.
  • Gain real-world experience: Get hands-on training through summer internships and final projects at L&T construction sites.
  • Learn from the best: Attend regular talks and sessions by L&T professionals, gaining valuable insights from industry experts.
  • Land your dream job: Upon successful completion, you’ll have the opportunity to join L&T and kickstart your career in construction!

This is your chance to combine your studies with paid experience and secure a bright future in the exciting world of construction. Don’t miss out!

L&T Build India Scholarships 2024 Overview


L&T Build India Scholarships Important Dates

L&T Build India Scholarships Program Details

Course Name: M.Tech in Construction Technology & Management
Partner Institutes: IIT Madras, IIT Delhi, NITK Surathkal, NIT Tiruchirapalli

L&T Build India Scholarships Eligibility Criteria

  • Final year students pursuing B.E/B.Tech in Civil and Electrical Engineering
  • Graduating in 2024 (Students graduating in 2023 or earlier are not eligible)
  • Must have a CGPA of 7.0 and above or aggregate marks of 70% and above.

L&T Build India Scholarships Undertaking

Before commencing the course, selected students must sign an undertaking worth Rs. 5 Lakhs, pledging to complete the program and serve the company for five years following graduation.

How To Apply For L&T Build India Scholarships?

To apply, follow these steps:

  1. Click on ‘Apply Now’ to access the online application portal. Enter your basic details and submit. You’ll receive an email with your login credentials.
  2. Log in to the application portal using the provided User ID and password. Complete the application form with all required information.
  3. Upload necessary documents in .pdf/jpg/jpeg formats, including certificates, mark sheets, photo IDs, photographs, signatures, and CVs. Combine semester mark sheets into a single .pdf document before uploading.
  4. After applying, you’ll receive an acknowledgment email.

Shortlisted candidates will be invited to a physical written test at designated Test Centres.

L&T Build India Scholarships Key Points

  • Ensure all details entered in the application portal are accurate and complete.
  • Enter aggregate marks in percentage (%), not CGPA. Convert CGPA to a scale of 10 and then into aggregate percentage out of 100.
  • Note down your User ID or application number generated post-registration for future reference.
  • Provide an active email ID and mobile number for communication.
  • Have scanned copies of documents (certificates, mark sheets, testimonials, photograph) and necessary details ready before filling out the form.
  • Direct queries to BIS@Lntecc.com for prompt assistance.

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